Sunday, December 28, 2008


Well Christmas was AWESOME. I got everything I wanted and a TON of clothes...and 65 dollars. I spent 6 dollars yesterday on a case for my iPod, which is PURPLE w00t.

Hm...what else? I went to go have dinner with my grandma and aunt yesterday, and we went to Starbucks and I had a pumpkin spice latte which was yum!

Oooh I'm IMing my boyfriend, hes somewhere in England right now. I'm stuck here in Texas....


- Clothes [shirts, skinny jeans]
- White-on-white hi-top Converse
- iPod Touch
- Brisingr and The Story Of Edgar Sawtelle
- 30 dollars worth of iTunes gift cards
- Palm Centro in blue
- 65 dollars

yeppers. I had a fun Christmas, one of the best yet!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

*sing* Posty Posty Posty Post

Wallah. 1,588,200 seconds left till Christmas. I'm soooo excited. SO. EXCITED. My mom is going Christmas shopping for me today, and then I think we're gonna put up decorations. End of term comes in...1,156,111 seconds. Which is including today and tomorrow, so prolly less than that.

But the bad thing. I have to take tutoring in Math. Because apparently I failed my last quiz....And, also, I'm falling behind in my classes. Funnnn....I hate school. I hate Math. :[

People aren't supposed to be sad in December!

Friday, December 5, 2008


1,650,535 seconds left

YAYZ. I'm so excited. And it's Friday w00t!!! soo...yeah.

Nothing much else to post, I'm bored and it's FRIIIIDAYYYY

Thursday, December 4, 2008

'Nother Christmas Update!

Ahem. 1,746,747 seconds!!
But I am UBER-stressed. You wanna see my to-do list? Ok then...

* study for finals [!!!]
* write process paper/finish History Day [saturday]
* work on science task
* fill out form/write research plan for science fair
* science final exam review sheet [Dec. 11]
* IT 'create' step [Dec. 17]
* spanish project due [Dec. 11]

ack. ack. ack. ack. ack. ack. ack.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Update!

20 days, 4 hours, 32 minutes, 8 seconds and counting


Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Back two days from break, and im already sleep-deprived and stressed about homeowork and midterms. I need help. GAH!

But I AM watching Fringe [basically a modern-day X-Files] now. YAY. New episode. And on Thursday....THE OFFICE. W00t!

Mkay. Yeah, nothing much else to say...except for....

21 days, 3 hours, 45 minutes, 25 seconds, and counting...

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Heyaz!! I'm back. Well I wasn't gone long but hey whatever right?

OH. Right. I've kinda been forgetting about the whole what I'm wearing thing so here it is:

Fall Out Boy band tshirt
black skirt
black and white striped legwarmers
black on black hi-top converse with skull laces
zip-up corset jacket


and I'm going to a birthday party in 30 minutes so...yeah. Byebye!